Evolve Staff

Ngā kaimahi o Evolve

The Evolve Team are an awesome bunch of professionals who are super passionate about the wellbeing and health of Young People.  We have doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, counsellors, social workers, and youth workers who are supported in their work by our team of Administration Stars. 

Our staff are “Youth Friendly”, which means there are a bunch of things we understand already like:

  • Being a Young Person can be really hard sometimes

  • Talking about sexuality, mental health, drugs and alcohol or sex can be scary or embarrassing

  • Keeping the things young people tell us confidential and private, is really important to you

  • Communicating using appropriate language young people understand

  • We will always try to ask you for your consent before we do anything

  • We respect your right to make choices

  • We need to earn your trust and respect

  • Supporting young people needs to be a partnership

  • That everyone who comes through our door feels included for their culture, ethnicity, gender, beliefs, values etc

For more details about our team, click into the profiles below.

Admin Team

Stewart Clark

Shelby Taylor
Admin Team Lead

Maddy Johnston
Practice Assistant

Tessa Bruce
Multimedia Coordinator & Administrator

Maddy Taylor

Rebecca Macfie
Business Support Lead

Social Support Team

Terewai Rikihana
Social Support Team Lead

Kathy Montgomery
Social Worker

Maarie Mareikura-Ellery
Youth Wellbeing Coach

Tayla Cowley
Mental Health Youth Worker

Ludo Pálffy
Youth Worker

Paige Wilson
Youth Programmes Coordinator

Polly Kennedy
Mental Health Liaison & Social Worker

Nieve Campbell
Youth Programmes Coordinator

Te Koha Mareikura-Ellery
Youth Programmes Coordinator

Primary Healthcare Team

Erin Dawson
Primary Healthcare Team Lead

Caitlin Chamberlain
Nurse Practitioner

Nikita Laing
Nurse & Midwife

Counselling Team

Matthew Baird
Counselling Team Lead

Elise Anderson
Counsellor & Strengths Coach

Caitlin Hickman

Harrison Smith
Alcohol & Drug Practitioner

Emma Wigzell
PIKI Counsellor