Primary Healthcare
Evolve has a team of friendly, non-judgmental Doctors, Nurses and Nurse Practitioners. We provide free, high quality primary healthcare services to meet your health and wellbeing needs. Clinics are available at Evolve every weekday and also at some schools around Wellington.
Please discuss with our reception staff if you are eligible to register, OR if you are able to be seen for a CASUAL visit. Please note that there are criteria for enrollment and casual visits. Unfortunately we cannot accommodate everybody's needs, but we will try our best to provide alterative options.
We ask that if you are unwell with respiratory or flu-like symptoms that you do not come into Evolve directly. Please phone and talk to a nurse first and we will devise a plan together. View our COVID-19 Safety page more more information.
Sexual and Reproductive Health
Emergency Contraceptives (ECP)
Contraceptive advice and prescriptions, including IUD and Jadelle insertion
STI Checks
Pregnancy tests
Smears & HPV testing
General Medical Care
Mental Health and Wellbeing, including Alcohol and Drug support
Management of chronic/long term conditions
Smoking cessation
Medical Certificates
Please note…
Evolve does not provide travel vaccines.
We do not provide ultrasounds or x-rays at Evolve.
We do not have psychologist or psychiatrists at Evolve.
We do not provide medical exams for overseas employment or placements.
Some immunisations that are not funded by the Ministry of Health have a cost to them.
Both normal and abnormal results may be of significance. You will be contacted by the clinic if the result requires a follow up. If you are signed up to MyIndici, you can view your results this way. If you haven’t heard from us within 10 days please contact us for your results. If you are concerned about your health, you as the patient, retain the right and responsibility to initiate further contact with the practice.
If ordering prescriptions, please know that there is a 48 hour timeframe. We would encourage you to make contact BEFORE you run out, as we hope to minimize any disruption to your healthcare. For more prescription guidelines, check out our help page.
On 12th July 2017, Evolve Wellington Youth Service achieved CORNERSTONE accreditation Aiming for Excellence from the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioner’s (RNZCGP’s). For young people and their whanau who use our service this means that Evolve meets the standards required in Aotearoa to deliver primary health care services. The programme includes the following key areas:
Experience and Equity
Practice Environment and Safety
Clinical Effectiveness Processes