Counselling Support

Counselling is youth-friendly, non-judgmental, and confidential!

Sometimes feelings, moods, thoughts and behaviors can really get in the way of relationships, study, career, family or goals. This can make life really hard. At Evolve we are here to help with any challenges you are facing.

Counselling is about creating a secure relationship in which you can be open, vulnerable, accepted, encouraged and challenged by your counsellor. Together we can develop self-understanding and skills for life, so that you can face your challenges with more confidence.

Counselling normally runs for 5 sessions of around 50 minutes each time. Anything you share with us will be kept confidential. However, if you tell us anything that worries us (like about hurting yourself, hurting someone else or if you are being hurt), we will talk about this together and develop a plan if we need to tell anybody else.

To be seen at Evolve for counselling, you must be currently enrolled and engaged with us. Please discuss with our reception staff if you are eligible to enroll. If you are under 19 and need to see a counsellor, please contact reception to see what we can do. Unfortunately we cannot accommodate everybody's needs, but we will try our best to provide alterative options.


For more information…

For more information about mental health support, check out the Mental Health Foundation of NZ.
For helpline information, specialist services and family support, have a look at MHFNZ’s support, information and help list.
For AOD information, visit Know Your Stuff NZ, and NZ Drug Foundation.
For urgent support, Te Haika is available on 0800 745 477.