Mate Korona

Evolve is committed to the health and safety of our team and our visitors. We understand the stress and uncertainty that COVID-19 is causing, and want to let you know that we are working to keep you and our staff safe during this time. Evolve is taking extra steps to ensure this.

You MUST phone reception and talk to a nurse if you:

  • Have a positive COVID-19 diagnosis

  • Are waiting for COVID-19 results, are considered a probable case, or been asked to self-isolate

  • Are feeling unwell with any cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms

  • Have been overseas, or been in contact with others who have been overseas

  • Have been in managed isolation, or been in contact with others who have been in isolation

  • Work at a boarder point, or have been in contact with staff at a boarder point

A nurse will contact you, and decide the best plan for your appointment. It may be over the phone or a video chat, or you may be seen in the Red Clinic. Red Clinics are designed to help us reduce the spread of viruses between people:

  • If you have a mask, wear it. You will need to keep it on the whole time you are here. Identify yourself to reception immediately as you arrive, and we will direct you where to sit.

  • A nurse will collect you from the Red Clinic waiting area, and bring you to a clinic.

  • A clinician will assess you. They will be wearing protective clothing (a mask, goggles, gown and gloves). You may need a COVID swab.

  • We will advise you of your results as soon as we receive them. You must stay at home until then. You should be symptom free for 48 hours before returning to work.

For up-to-date Government information, visit