
Whakapā mai


Phone (04) 473 6204

Freephone 0800 380 583

Fax (04) 473 6216

Mailing Address
PO Box 9076
Marion Square

Physical Address
Level 2 James Smith Building
Corner Cuba & Manners Streets


Evolve is open during business hours Monday to Friday. We are closed weekends and public holidays, and very occasionally closed at other times for special events.

If you need medical advice outside of Evolve’s open hours, call Healthline for health information and advice on 0800 611 116. This is free and confidential.

If you are concerned about your safety or the safety of someone you care for, call 111 for an immediate response.

For urgent mental health support, contact Te Haika on 0800 745 477.

For urgent physical health support, visit Wellington After Hours at 17 Adelaide Road, Newtown.